You are here: Contacts > Manage and create prospects > Set up a prospect

Set up a prospect

Setting up a prospect involves entering the person's information as a new contact, activating the desired prospect options, and then running an initial search using the prospect's search criteria. Another way to create a prospect is to enter search criteria in any of the search forms and save that criteria as a new prospect record.

To set up a prospect:

From the Contacts menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.

Click Create New Contact.

  1. Type in the person's information. You can enter any text that will be useful for you; no one else has access to your list of contacts or their information.
  2. Check the Manage as Prospect box to indicate that this contact is a prospect.
  3. Next to the Groups field, click the icon to assign the prospect to the appropriate group(s).
  4. Optional: If you want the software to automatically search for listings that match the prospect's search criteria and add those listings to the Prospect Cart, check the Auto-Prospecting option. Then specify to whom e-mail notifications should be sent. (For any of the email options that you enable, you must have valid email addresses in the corresponding text fields in order for email to be sent.)
  5. Optional: If you want to provide your client with an interactive view of their own Prospect Cart in a personalized Web page, check the Client Portal option.
  6. Optional: If you want other MLS agents to be able to notify you when they have a listing that matches your prospect's criteria, check the Reverse Prospecting option. (Watch the Learning Center video tutorial on Reverse Prospecting for an overview of this feature. From the Help menu, choose Learning Center and select Reverse Prospecting.)
  7. Click Save in the MLS toolbar.
  8. Optional: The Search Options page displays. If you want to create a search for this prospect, select a Search Type and specify a name for the search, then click Submit. OR, click Cancel to skip this step (you can create a search for your prospect at a later time).
  9. If you are creating a search, the search form displays based on the Search Type you selected. Enter your prospect's search criteria.
  10. Click the Search button in the MLS toolbar to save the criteria for this prospect. The listings that match your search criteria are automatically added to your prospect's cart. NOTE: The listings found during this initial search are NOT automatically e-mailed to your prospect. The auto-prospecting feature will automatically e-mail new and changed listings that match your prospect's criteria in the future, based on the E-mail options you selected for your prospect.

TIP: View the video tutorials under the "Contacts & Prospects" section on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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